General Terms and Conditions of Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn AG for the purchase and use of online tickets for the Furka car shuttle train (Oberwald-Realp).
1. Scope of application
These General Terms and Conditions govern the online purchase and the use of the purchased tickets for the Oberwald-Realp or Realp-Oberwald car shuttle train.
2. General provisions
The provisions are the basis for the use of the web shop and the purchase of a ticket through the web shop of Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn AG, hereinafter referred to as MGBahn. For the use of the car shuttle train, all relevant provisions of MGBahn are applicable. In particular, the safety and loading instructions and the instructions regarding liability insurance published on the website must be observed and adhered to.
3. Booking a ticket through the MGBahn web shop
3.1 The customer shall use his/her hardware and software to visit the web shop and purchase a ticket at his/her own risk and cost.
3.2 The customer acknowledges that MGBahn cannot guarantee that every type of software and every operating system of a computer or smartphone of the customer shall be supported. MGBahn shall reserve the right to modify or adapt the corresponding web shop without prior notice. It shall also reserve the right to restrict or temporarily suspend the operating times of the web shop.
3.3 The customer has the option of entering a car registration number in the online shop, whereby the access authorisation is also linked to this number. However, the customer can also choose not to enter his or her licence plate number.
3.4 With the order confirmation, the customer shall submit his/her binding offer to purchase a ticket. The customer must enter all the information that is necessary in the ordering process fully and correctly. After completion of the order and successful payment, the customer shall receive a confirmation e-mail with the ticket in the form of a PDF file or QR code.
3.5 At the car transport station, the licence plate number is scanned and the validity of the ticket is checked automatically, which eliminates the need to validate the ticket by scanning the QR code at the reader. The QR code only needs to be scanned if the camera cannot record the number plate or if the customer has chosen not to record a number plate.
3.6 The customer acknowledges that it shall be within his/her own scope of responsibility and risk to have all technical facilities that are necessary for receiving and printing the ticket or for producing the ticket on a smartphone.
4. Ticket and transport authorisation
4.1 Tickets must be presented at the respective loading station either in printed form or by means of a display on a smartphone or so they can be checked electronically. Tickets may not be damaged, contaminated or otherwise impaired, particularly with respect to the QR code, which make the electronic check impossible or hinder the same. If the customer cannot produce his/her ticket at the corresponding loading station either in a printed form or by showing it on a smartphone or if no electronic check is possible due to the circumstances mentioned or other circumstances to be attributed to the customer, he/she shall neither be entitled to reimbursement of the ticket nor shall he/she be entitled to the transport.
4.2 If the customer has registered his car registration number, it is his/her responsibility to ensure that this number matches the number plates fitted on his vehicle. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that no other person with the car registration number registered by the customer is granted access. If access has been granted to a person other than the customer, the customer is neither entitled to compensation nor is he/she entitled to transport. In the event of input errors by the customer, the QR code may be scanned, which is why a printed or electronically displayed ticket must be carried in any case.
4.3 A ticket purchased online shall be valid only for the section mentioned on the ticket (Oberwald-Realp or vice versa). Only single tickets can be purchased. Combined round trip tickets cannot be purchased online.
4.4 With the online purchase of a ticket, the customer shall only acquire the right to transport on the corresponding section. A ticket shall however not give the customer the right to a specific train or to transport at a specific time and should, therefore, not be equated with reservation.
4.5 A ticket purchased online shall be valid for one year from the time of its electronic delivery to the customer (actions excluded).
4.6 Tickets that were purchased online shall be freely transferable within the period of validity. MGBahn shall however not assume any liability for the validity of the ticket vis-à-vis the person, to whom a corresponding ticket is transferred.
4.7 MGBahn shall be authorised, without a claim to compensation, to reject the transport if multiple copies of the ticket purchased online are in circulation and the transport has already been granted previously to a holder. Multiple copies of a ticket purchased online can therefore be created at the risk of the customer.
4.8 Any change, forgery or the subsequent editing of a ticket shall be explicitly prohibited.Moreover, commercial trade with the tickets purchased online shall be strictly prohibited. Customers violating this provision may be excluded from the online purchase of tickets. In such a case, MGBahn shall reserve the right for further legal steps.
4.9 There shall be two different season prices of tickets in view of the selection of travel days: – Validity from 1.6. to 30.9. (summer price) – Validity from 1.10. to 31.5. (winter price) It shall be possible to also use a ticket purchased online with summer price in the winter season against a surcharge. A ticket purchased online at the winter price shall also authorise for transport for the summer season. In this case however, the customer shall not be entitled to a refund of the corresponding price difference.
4.10 Tickets purchased online shall neither be refunded nor can they be exchanged.
4.11 Tickets purchased online cannot be used in combination with a points card.
5. Data protection
5.1 MGBahn undertakes to comply with the applicable data protection regulations with regard to the data deposited by the customer in the context of registrations in the web shop or when purchasing a ticket online.
5.2 At the time of ordering in the web shop, the customer can agree that the data stored by him/her may be used for newsletters, offers, and similar information of MGBahn addressed to him/her.
5.3 Details regarding data processing by MGBahn can be found in the data protection policy.
6. Liability
To the extent permitted by law, any liability of MGBahn for damages, including consequential damages of any kind, arising from the use of the website including web shop and the tickets purchased online, shall be fully excluded.
7. Final regulations
7.1 MGBahn shall reserve the right to change the prices and charges for the ticket as well as the current conditions any time.
7.2 Should one or several of these provisions be or become void or ineffective, the binding character of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. In this case, MGBahn shall replace the void or ineffective provisions immediately after they become known with economically equivalent, lawful provisions.
8. Applicable law and legal domicile
8.1 These provisions shall be exclusively subject to the Swiss Law.
8.2 The courts at the headquarters of MGBahn in Brig shall be exclusively competent in case of disputes.
Effective: April 2021