Furka car transport in Realp in spring

Furka car transport

Load your vehicle between Realp and Oberwald

The car trains run all year round to take you through the Furka tunnel from Oberwald Valais to Realp Uri, or vice-versa. The trip takes barely 20 minutes and gives you a time save of 45 minutes, compared to driving over the Furka pass.

Timetable | Wait | Webcam Oberwald | Webcam Realp

Buy your ticket now

Timetable from June 30, 2024 til 06 October 2024

Public holidays, timetable as on Sundays 1 and 2 January, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, 1 August, 25 and 26 December

From May to October, construction works may lead to restrictions on loading vehicles over 3 meters in height. Please anticipate possible waiting times. Vehicles over 3 meters in height with a trailer that use the car train service from Monday to Thursday must be loaded onto the car train in reverse. If reversing is not possible, the transport unfortunately cannot be carried out.

Live Webcam Oberwald Station

Live Webcam Realp Station

Vehicle categories

Car ➔ CHF 27.00
Cars with trailers/> 3.05 m ➔ CHF 54.00
Large-capacity vehicles, maximum height 3.50M ➔ CHF 200.00
Motorbikes ➔ CHF 20.00

Advice and information for your journey with the Furka car transport

To make the trip as enjoyable as possible and make boarding and disembarking as easy as we can we have put together some tips to help motorists.

ℹ️ Current information about the point card
When does the car transport run?
How do I get my ticket?
Bicycles and mountain bikes cannot be transported.
When do long queues generally form? How can I avoid them?
Where can I find information about the current waiting times?
Can I reserve a place for a specific departure time?
Is it possible to buy a snack or a drink at the Realp and Oberwald railway stations?
Are there public toilets at the loading stations?
Why are there not more or longer trains in service during the peak times?
What is the MGB railway doing to cover demand at peak times or respectively, to keep waiting times at a manageable level?
Is an extension of the loading capacity planned in the long term?
In case of disruptions
Terms and Conditions
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